Mark & Stella Doggett
Dr Mark Doggett MA MB BChir MSc has previously worked in both Psychiatry and General Practise for several years. More recently he has retired from work in Occupational Health. Having provided a variety of Counselling Services to both business customers, organisations and private individuals, he has also developed a range of seminars centring around stress management, life skills, workplace health, relationships and personal development.
Stella Doggett BSc (ECON), PGCE having studied for a social science degree, including courses in sociology, social psychology and economics, trained as a teacher and specialised for several years working with children with learning and emotional difficulties. She is a qualified M.B.T.I user. She has over 25 years experience in counselling in private practice as well as working for a number of years pert time in the NHS. Having recently retired from counselling practice she continues to work with people in pursuit of greater wholeness in their lives. She runs training seminars and workshops concerned with personality type, personal development, emotional health and spirtual wholeness.